Thursday, June 25, 2009

Draining Drains

I did not appreciate until the drains were out, how draining they were. After my Monday appointment, the drains became very painful. The kind of drains I had are called Jackson-Pratt drains. Here is a picture of a drain laid out on a table. Note that the bulb is about 3.5" long, so you can get an idea of how long the white strip that is inside you is. Looking in the mirror, I could see that one of the drains had started to slip, so that you could see the tube/drain junction. Any move had the potential to cause a sharp pain: it was like an invisible sadist was tailing me and randomly poking me with a sharp implement. I was still not meeting the drainage guidelines on Wednesday, so we waited until Thursday to call and schedule an appointment for removing the drains.

Fortunately, we got an appointment at 11:30 to get them out. I took two perocet to be prepared for the inevitable pain. We arrived, had a brief discussion and out they came. OUCH! But after they were out, everything was OK. No more invisible sadist following me around. I really felt so much better, it is hard to describe. I was just left with two holes where the drains came out. It either looks like I was bitten by a narrow-jawed, thick-fanged vampire, or that I was shot twice. As soon as they scab over I can take a real bath!